Archives of Our News
Invitation ZAMUN 2018
The Gymnázium bilingválne in Žilina would like to invite your students and teachers to participate in the next ZAMUN 2018 conference (19.-21. April 2018).
We hope that the students will enjoy another year of this international activity and further develop vital communication, argumentation and foreign language skills (committees in three languages - English, French and Spanish) as well as improve their knowledge about international relationships an important international issues together with fellow students from different countries around the world.
Click here for more information.
HOPE - Human Opportunities for Peace in Europe
In March 2017 the Euronetwork school Lycée Michel-Rodange submitted an application for a shared K2 project called HOPE - Human Opportunities for Peace in Europe. The LMRL functions as the project’s coordinating school cooperating with Europroject partnerschools from Germany, Spain and Slovakia and a school from Torun / Poland. They made acquaintance with last year in Slovakia at the ZaMUN2016 conference.
The project brings our five schools together to tackle the growing loss of common European values and the risk of a Europe falling apart by implementing the next three core pillars at each school by organising extra-curricular HOPE clubs / working groups.
1.Students learn and discuss about politics and are prepared for the participation in MUN (Model United Nation) conferences. We send mobilities twice a year to ZaMUN and ToMUN and will have the first MUN conference in Luxembourg, LuMUN in November 2019, which will be offered as a network conference to all Europroject schools, then too.
2. Students are made to initiate and conduct regular charity activities.
3. Students are trained to act as mediators for their fellow students in classrooms.
- VIENNA - Headteachers' Conference 2016
6 - 9 October 2016
Heart and Soul Conference 2021
Dear Europroject Family
We have a great pleasure to invite you all to participate in the annual meeting of the network for headteachers, teachers and students on May 6th-7th. You can find the programme for the Heart and Soul Conference here:
Click here for a list of the workshop participants. The programme provides you and the students with all the necessary information on how to make small preparations for the workshops. Also teachers and headmasters are welcomed to join. We would kindly ask you to forward the workshop information and the link for the programme to your students. If there is any missing information, please let us know.
We would also like to remind you to send a photo of your group – with a HEART included in the photo to Schildtin lukio:
Looking forward to seeing you online next Thursday. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.
Kind regards
Schildt International Team

The Euro team of Bundesrealgymnasium Wien 19, supported by the General Secretary, held a Network Conference. The Vienna Headteachers and Correspondents Conference took place from 06. - 09. Oct 2016.
The program of the conference covered two main topics:
- Network matters, KA2 applications (news from NAs, best practices,...), finding (new) partners for a bid and presentations on YEL and LIFE.
- Discussing "Integration of refugee pupils in European School Systems"
Click here for the summary of the discussion about the integration of refugees at our schools.
Click here for the protocol of this conference.
Click here for the program of this conference.
BELGIUM - Steering Group meeting in Dendermonde The organizers of the last EON conference, Marisé Lacleta and Angel Fenero discussed their program of the final EON conference in Zaragoza together with the members of the Steering Committee. The teachers' and the students' program were laid down and the future with Erasmus+ was talked about. We are all looking forward to an interesting conference in Spain. Our great thanks goes to Mr. Hans Vanhulle, our president, who again has hosted us in an absolutely extraordinary way.
G. Latzke (Gen. Secretary)AUSTRIA - Our Austrian partner school BRG19 is organising a Master Class "Science" in Vienna from April 26th to April 30th, 2015. The topic is "WATER" and there will be guided tours of the Viennese sewage system and visits to two main water power plants in Vienna. The organising team of BRG19 is looking forward to their guests from the partner schools. Click here for more information.
Innovation in the Brainport Region
NETHERLANDS - From 29 to 31 October 2014 Strabrecht College in Geldrop (the Netherlands) Masterclass on ‘Innovation in the Brainport Region’. The Masterclass was attended by 28 students and 10 teachers from Austria, Luxemburg, France, Sweden, Spain, Denmark, Germany and – of course – the Netherlands. Click here for the rest of the article on this successful masterclass on the Technological Innovation in the Brainport Region. - Creative Computational Thinking Through Game Programming
FINLAND - A masterclass on game programming will take place in Jyväskylä in Finland from the 24th until the 26th of November 2014. The title of this masterclass is "Creative Computational Thinking Through Game Programming". Click here for all information. You can also contact Satu Syyrakki. - Preparing the Copenhagen Conference
BELGIUM - The preparatory Meeting for the EON Conference "Entrepreneurship" in Copenhagen took place from Sept. 6.-8. in Dendermonde where the Steering Committee discussed with Jimmy Burnett Nielsen and Charlotte Moltke (DK) the agenda of the Copenhagen Conference (Nov. 7. - 11., 2014). This conference promises interesting insights into entrepreneurship in schools. Marisé Lacleta, our Spanish Correspondent, reported about the kick-off of the preparations for the Conference in Zaragoza, Spain in May 2015. A further extended topic dealt with the "future of our network" Our President, Hans Vanhulle was a perfect host and we all had a great time in Dendermonde. You find the protocol of this meeting here. With special thanks to General Secretary Georg Latzke for this article. -
Master Class Technological Innovation in the Brainport region
NETHERLANDS - Our partner school Strabrecht College in the Netherlands is organising a Master Class "Technological Innovation in the Brainport region" from October 28th to November 1st, 2014.The Brainport region is the most innovative region of the Netherlands and one of the three strongest regions of the Netherlands. Iit is well known for high tech systems, food & technology, automotive, lifetec & health, design,.. The idea is that students work with young international professionals who work in the Brainport region. So far students from our partner schools from Spain, Denmark, Luxembourg (Michel Rodange), Austria and Sweden will participate. Other countries are still considering their participation. Click here to find more information about this Master Class.
- Spain wins national award
Our partner school in Spain has won a special national award for its contribution to the development of the IPM program. Click here for the full article. -
A masterclass "mathematics" will took place in Danderyd Gymnasium in Sweden. Click here for more information.
- Preparation for Luxembourg Conference May 2014
Go to the special Luxembourg page to see an instruction movie for the Video Workshop at the Luxembourg conference.
Click here for the offcial program of the next conference in Luxembourg, which is called Europe on the Move. Click here for all the preparatory tasks.
- Preparatory conference
From September 8th to 9th, 2013, the Vice President of the network "Education without Frontiers", Hans Vanhulle, hosted the preparatory conference for the
kick off of the EON Comenius project in Dendermonde. Read more on this meeting, with special thanks to Georg Latzke.