Without Frontiers

Archives for the YEL Project

04 - 08 October 2017: Report ZILINA CONFERENCE

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04 - 08 October 2017

Europroject Headteachers´ conference+YEL transnational meeting+YEL multiplier event+HOPE transnational meeting


After five years from the headteachers‘ conference in 2012,  Gymnázium bilingválne, T. Ružičku 3 in Žilina welcomed the heads and teachers from 14 Europroject schools in Austria, Belgium - Flanders, Wallonie,  Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg- city, Luxembourg - Esch, Netherlands, Slovakia, Spain,  Portugal, and one new school from Poland. This time the conference was also with students (two from each of the 13 visiting schools), who took part in the simulation of the European Council - MEC - an event organised by the YEL club Slovakia under the Erasmus+ project.  

While the students were discussing the security of the EU issues and European Defence Plan, the teachers were deciding about the future Europroject organisation. Mr. Hans Vanhulle officially stepped back from the position of the President of  the Network and the elections for a new leading team were held. The members elected are: Jean Theis who agreed to act out formally as the President, Janka Mládenková and Satu Syyrakki being backed up by Secretary General Mr. Georg Latzke for one more year. Then teachers presented their schools´ international activities and projects like LIFE and HOPE (both Erasmus+ projects) and V.I.P., the conference in Wallonia 2018. The network business finished with the speed dating and socialising at the resort of Drevenice Terchová.

Apart from the headteachers´conference there was one-day conference called a YEL multiplier event organised by the coordinating school GBZA to disseminate the project results not only to the Europroject schools but also to the invited school representatives and VIP guests from Slovakia. The YEL project is unique in its combination of the activities - physical and virtual ones, long-term study mobilities (login to see the survey) and intellectual output creation. See more at

What is more, its natural continuation is our new project HOPE approved by the Erasmus+, which started by the kick-off conference in Zilina in October taking among Europroject partner schools from Germany, Luxembourg, Spain, Slovakia also a school from Torun, Poland. Whether funded or not, GBZA will continue with the organization of the Žilina MUN conferences - and thanks to a great cooperation and our friendship with the other Europroject schools we believe in future mutual projects and activities to enrich the school communities.

The conference in Zilina/Terchova also offered its participants to take part in a hiking trip to Jánošíkové Diery, which turned out to be a funny, muddy experience and luckily no one was injured or in a visit to the Orava castle and the wooden church in Leštiny - UNESCO heritage. The students got a chance to get to know Zilina and its surroundings via a geocaching game, which tested their physical, digital, logical and teambuilding skills. The whole conference ended in Terchová, where practical workshops offered the skilled ones to try some of the Slovak crafts - e.g. woodcarving, bobbin lace making, cheese strings pulling and folk dance group performance.


Click here for an interview with General Secretary Georg Latzke, which was made by students.

Click here for the introductory presentation about the HOPE Project at this conference.

04 - 08 October 2017: Planning of ZILINA CONFERENCE

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Gymnázium bilingválne in ŽILINA and the YEL club SLOVAKIA would like to invite two teachers and two students from the Europroject network „Education without frontiers“ to Terchová and Žilina from 4th to 8th October 2017.

After five years from the headteachers‘ conference in 2012, this time it is going to be the Europroject conference with the students too.  They will work together in the committees and finally present their debating and negotiating skills in a simulation of the Model European Council session. The topic will be specified later.  The students´ activities are linked with the running Erasmus+ project - Young European Leaders.


The partners of the project (Finland, France, Germany, Luxembourg, Slovakia and Spain) will meet for their second transnational meeting and the general public is also invited to take part in the YEL multiplier event aimed at the project results dissemination.

The Europroject conference will take place and the teachers and guests will be accommodated at the resort DREVENICE Terchová in the congress centre of the Guest House Vŕšky, uniquely situated in the mountains of Mala Fatra right next to the village Terchova, which is about 30 km from Zilina. The multiplier event is going to be held in the GBZA school. Our students will host foreign peers in their families. 

For further details check this link or contact directly Janka Mladenkova, who will keep you informed J. The GBZA Europroject team is looking forward to meeting you all.

Gabriela, Janka, Lucia, Imrich, Ludmila, Marek, Ivana,...

20 - 26 April 2016:Young European Leaders at Žilina Model United Nations Conference


After one week of exciting discussions, interesting political debating and lots of fun, the Young European Leaders (YEL) project of ERASMUS + can be regarded as a real success story. The project supervisor, Mr. Imrich Milo, called it an “unteachable experience“. He explained that everyone, from organizational team members to delegates, is part of the big ZAMUN family and plays a crucial role for the extraordinary success the participants can witness during ZAMUN every year in Žilina.

The coordinating school Gymnasium Bilingválne in Žilina (Slovakia) had invited the partner schools of the project Schildin Lukio Jyväskylä (Finland), Institution Saint Jude Armentières (France), Wittekind Gymnasium Lübbecke (Germany), Lycée Michel Rodange Luxembourg (Luxembourg) and IES Miguel Catalán, Zaragoza (Spain). As a network of funded ERASMUS PLUS schools rooted in the Europroject Education without Frontiers they all started their preparatory project work in September 2016 by establishing debating clubs at their schools at home. These clubs are aimed at Yong European leaders (YEL) to improve their communication and IT skills in thw world as a “global village”.


By the simulation of life debates at school, digital exchange via twinspace, the EU platform for the exchange of best practice and by attending nationals Model United Nations, the students enriched their political way of thinking and their communication skills in formal debating. Apart from that, their ability of negotiation, compromising and cooperation in national and multi-linguistic settings could be developed. In addition to these general objectives, the clubs of Young European Leaders deepened their political background knowledge on the major international issues in a global world, such as  climate change and terrorism as major challenges of our life.

The involved school homepages are:


Click here for the full article.

Click here for a larger version of the group photo.

Click here for an interview with General Secretary Georg Latzke, which was made by students.

Click here for the introductory presentation about the HOPE Project at this conference.


30 September - 3 October 2015: Kick-off meeting YEL at Lycée Michel-Rodange in Luxembourg

Kick-off meeting YEL at Lycée Michel-Rodange in Luxembourg
30 September - 3 October 2015


The new Erasmus+ project YEL aims at debating and took place with two teachers from each of the participating countries: Slovakia (coordinator) + Finland, France, Germany, Luxembourg and Spain and a few of the involved students-experts from Zilina and Luxembourg.

The participants have familiarised themselves with the project objectives and the tasks for each school in the first project year.

The schools involved in this strategic partnership have indentified a need to improve not only basic and transversal skills of their learners (e.g. communication, leadership and ICT skills) but also the need of young people to participate actively in a local community and society, also at a national and international level.

At the kick-off conference the teachers shared their debating practice and enriched their IT skills in the TwinSpace of etwinning, the IT tool of the European Union, where the virtual cooperation of the YEL clubs created at schools will take place.

The contact teachers / correspondents also discussed the dates of the long-term study mobilities (former IPMs) planned for the beginning of the calendar year 2016 as a preparation for the model UN conference ZAMUN  organised by Gymnázium bilingválne in Žilina in April (21st - 23rd) -four students and 2 teachers from each partner school are planned to participate in ZAMUN 2016 and ZAMUN 2017.

Model United Nations (MUN) is an educational simulation and academic competition in which students learn about diplomacy, international relations, etc. involves and teaches research, public speaking, debating and writing skills, in addition to critical thinking, teamwork and leadership skills.

At the end of the project period (September / October 2017) a multiplier event will be held in Zilina to disseminate the project results. The event is planned as a part of the autumn Europroject conference for the headteachers and correspondents and students (two from each country).


Thanks to the great team from the host school Lycée Michel-Rodange - Jean-Claude Hemmer (the head), Sandra Droste (correspondent), Sandra Galli (teacher involved in the project), Caroline Lentz (deputy head), Vicky Ternes and Francoise Wolter (special guides) and host family of Pitt Sietzen, all the participants have had a wonderful time in Luxembourg. Click here for the group picture, which was provided by Romain Schank J.